Peshkopata Orthodhokse Shqiptare e Amerikave - Patriarkana Ekumenike
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On Sunday, December 29th, His Grace will visit Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA, where he will serve Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
Të enjten, më 5 dhjetor 2024, Arkondët e Patriarkanës Ekumenike në Mitropolinë e Çikagos morën pjesë në Mbrëmësoren e Madhe Hierarkike për festën e Atit tonë Ndër Shenjtorët, Nikolla, Çudibërësit, Kryepeshkop i Mirës së Likisë, në Kishën Ortodokse Shqiptare të Shën Nikollës në Çikago. Mbrëmësorja u kryesua nga kreu i Dioqezës Ortodokse Shqiptare të Amerikave, Hirësia e Tij Peshkopi i Filomilisë +THEOFANI, i cili erdhi nga Bostoni për fundjavën. Priftërinj të shumtë nga Mitropolia e Çikagos i'u bashkuan Hirësisë së Tij, ndër ta ishte Arkimandriti Ignatios Kruja, Prifti i Enorisë së Shën Nikollës dhe Kryedhjakoni i Dioqezës, Spiridon Green. Priftërinjtë e tjerë që morën pjesë ishin: At Sotirios Malamis i Enorisë Ngjitja e Zotit tonë, Kisha Ortodokse Greke në Lincolnshire, Illinois; At Ambrozi, Prift i Përkohshëm në Enorinë Ortodokse Greke të Shën Athanasit dhe Joanit në Çikago, At Konstantin P. Botsis nga Enoria Ortodokse Greke, Shenjtorët Takiarki dhe Shën Harallambi në Niles, Illinois dhe At Apostolos Georgiafentis i Enorisë Ortodokse Greke të Fjetjes së Shën Marisë në Çikago. Të pranishëm ishin edhe Arkondi Jani Gjoni Dioqezës Ortodokse Shqiptare të Amerikave, i cili shërben në Këshillin e Enorisë së Shën Nikollës, dhe Arkondi Rajonal Mitropolisë së Çikagos, G. Manos.
On Thursday, December 5, 2024, the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Metropolis of Chicago attended Great Vespers for the Feast Day of our Father Among the Saints, Nicholas, the Wonderworker and Archbishop of Myra at Saint Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago. The vespers were presided over by the leader of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas, His Grace Bishop Theophan of Philomelion, who flew in from Boston for the weekend.
Multiple priests from the Metropolis of Chicago joined His Grace, Very Rev. Archimandrite Ignatios Kruja, parish priest at St. Nicholas, and Archdeacon Spyridon Green. They included: Fr. Sotirios Malamis of Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church in Lincolnshire, Illinois, Fr. Amvrosios, interim pastor at Saints Athanasios and John Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago, Rev. Fr. Constantine P. Botsis from Holy Taxiarchai and Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Niles, Illinois, and Rev. Fr. Apostolos Georgiafentis of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago. Also in attendance were Archon Jani Gjoni, who serves on the parish council at Saint Nicholas, and Archon Regional John G. Manos.
Në vazhdimësinë e aktiviteteve të ndryshme të mbajtura këto ditë me rastin e Festës Kombëtare të Pavarësisë së Shqipërisë dhe Flamurit Kombëtar Shqiptar, Hirësia e Tij, Imzot +THEOFANI, i Dioqezës Ortodokse Shqiptare të Amerikave bëri Shërbesën e "Doksologjisë së Flamurit" me bekimin e flamurit, mbas përfundimit të Litrgjisë Hyjnore me këtë lutje: "O Zot, që bekon dhe shenjtëron, bekoje flamurin tonë dhe shpëtoje shtetin dhe popullin tonë nga çdo rrezik dhe nevojë dhe drejtoje në udhën e dritës, të lirisë nën hijen Tënde dhe bëna të denjë ne të pavyerit të kremtojmë këtë ditë të lavdëruar me nder, shëndet dhe ditë të shumta, këtu dhe kudo. Se Ti je Perëndi mëshirëplotë dhe njeridashës dhe ty ta drejtojmë lavdinë, Atit edhe Birit edhe Shpirtit të.Shenjtë, tani e përherë dhe në jetë të jetëve. Amin! Popullit shqiptar dhuroji o Zot jetë, paqe, shpëtim, përparim dhe mundje kundër armiqve dhe ruaje për shumë vjet!" (Fan S. Noli, "Doksologjia e Flamurit", Libri i "Kremtoret e Kishës Ortodokse" 1947, F. 765-770).
Më pas Hirësia e Tij lexoi një lutje të veçantë për Kombin Shqiptar, të kompozuar nga vetë ai për këtë eveniment, si vijon:
O Perëndi i etërve tanë, Krijuesi i gjithësisë dhe i racës njerëzore, të cilët sipas pëlqimit Tënd hyjnor i ndave në kombe të ndryshme, e midis tyre edhe atë të Kombit Shqiptar; drejtoje vështrimin Tënd hyjnor mbi të dhe me anën e duarve të Tua jetëbërëse bekoje popullin Tënd Shqiptar në të gjitha trevat e tyre, aty ku Ti i krijove dhe i vendose sipas vullnetit Tënd të gjithëpushtetshëm, duke u dhuruar atyre që lartazi të gjitha gjërat e mira dhe të dobishme të kësaj bote, por mbi të gjitha dhuroju atyre dashuri për njëri-tjetrin që të jenë të bashkuar kurdoherë dhe kudo ata sot ndodhen nëpër botë. Ndriçoi mendjet e tyre që të shikojnë dhe të njohin vëllezërit e tyre të një gjaku. Zbuti zemrat e tyre që të duan dhe ndihmojnë bashkëkombësit e tyre që janë në nevojë. Fry mbi ta Frymën Tënde të Tërëshenjtë, që të futet ndër ta fryma e dashurisë, mirëkuptimit, unitetit dhe ndihmës vëllezërore dhe të ndjekin porositë e Tua; duke larguar prej tyre frymën keqbërëse të përçarjes, urrejtjes, cmirës, xhelozisë, përbuzjes, ndarjes dhe mosdashjes që i largon ata prej Teje. Se i shenjtë, i mirë dhe njeridashës je o Perëndia ynë, tani e përherë dhe në jetë të jetëve. Amin!
Nga † THEOFANI i Filomilisë dhe i Peshkopatës Ortodokse Shqiptare të Amerikave
On November 22nd, His Grace Bishop Theophan and Fr. Andrew Rubis attended an event hosted by Vatra in honor of the 112th anniversary of Albanian independence and Albanian Flag Day in the Bronx, New York.
On Thursday, November 7th, His Grace Bishop Theophan attended the EFOM Missions Lecture offered by His Grace Bishop Neofitos of Eldoret in Kenya at the Maliotis Cultural Center in Brookline, MA. The theme of Bishop Neofitos' lecture was "Standing at the Crossroad: Answering our Mission Calling."
On Sunday, November 3rd, His Grace Bishop Theophan served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Zoodohos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church in the Bronx, NY.
On Saturday, November 2nd, His Grace Bishop Theophan attended the Nameday celebration of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York City.
On Sunday, October 27th, His Grace visited Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA, where he served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
Congratulations to Jani Gjoni of St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago, who was invested as an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on Sunday, October 20, by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. Axios!
On Sunday, October 20th, His Grace visited Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT, where he served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
Per shumë vjet o Kryezot!
Many years to His Grace Bishop Theophan of Philomelion on the occasion of the one year anniversary of His Grace’s episcopal installation as the bishop of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas.
On Sunday, October 13, His Grace Bishop Theophan served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago. During the service, a 2-year memorial service was held to remember Metropolitan Ilia. May his memory be eternal! I përjetshëm kujtimi i tij!
We are delighted that Jim Belushi’s able to change his schedule and will be joining us to commemorate the 80th anniversary of our beloved St Nicholas.
Saturday, September 14, the "Elevation of the Holy Cross" at Negru Vodă Monastery in Cămpulung. Sunday, September 15, "Sunday after the Holy Cross" at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Mioveni, Firești.
Congratulations to our Diocese seminarian Jovan Green, who last Friday, September 13, received his seminarian cross and was tonsured a reader by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Axios!
On Sunday, September 1st, 2024, our ruling hierarch, His Grace Bishop +THEOPHAN of Philomelion and of Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas, Ecumenical Patriarchate, along with the 150 hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne from all over the world, participated at the Feast of the New Indiction (New Ecclesiastical Year) at the Venerable Patriarchal Church of St. George the Trophy-bearer and Great Martyr. The Commemorative Divine Liturgy was presided from the Throne by His All Holiness +BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch with the hierarchy of the Throne in attendance and lay faithful. After the Gospel reading, Archimandrite +Bosporios Magkaphas, the Chief Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, read from the Ambo, the Patriarchal Encyclical Letter regarding the Feast of the Indiction as the "Day of Prayers for the Protection of the Natural Environment".
Të dielën, më 1 shtator 2024, hierarku ynë në pushtet, Hirësia e Tij Peshkopi + THEOFAN i Filomilisë dhe i Dioqezës Ortodokse Shqiptare të Amerikave, Patriarkana Ekumenike, së bashku me 150 hierarkët e Fronit Ekumenik nga e gjithë bota, mori pjesë në Festën e Indiktit të Ri (Viti i Ri Kishtar) në Kishën e Përhirëshme Patriarkale të Shën Gjergjit Trofembajtësi dhe Dëshmor i Madh. Liturgjia Hyjnore Përkujtuese u kryesua nga Froni nga Tërë Shenjtëria e Tij +BARTOLOMEU, Kryepeshkopi i Kostandinopojës dhe Patriark Ekumenik me praninë e hierarkëve të Fronit dhe besimtarëve laikë. Pas leximit të Ungjillit, Arhimandriti +Bosporios Magkafas, Kryesekretari i Sinodit të Shenjtë dhe të Hirshëm të Patriarkanës Ekumenike, lexoi nga Amvoni, Letrën Enciklike Patriarkale në lidhje me festën e Indiktit si "Dita e Lutjeve për Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit Natyror”.
Upon the recommendation of His Grace Bishop Theophan of Philomelion, Mr. Jani Gjoni of St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago was accepted as an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. On behalf of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas, we congratulate him on receiving this great blessing. Axios!
On Saturday, July 6th, His Grace visited Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT, where he held a meeting with the local Albanian community. On Sunday, July 7th, His Grace visited St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Hartford, CT, where he served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Thank you to both parishes for their hospitality!
On the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost, Holy Trinity Albanian Orthodox Church in South Boston celebrates its Parish Feast Day. We invite you to celebrate the Pentecost feast with us on June 23 at 1 pm at the Albanian Holy Trinity Church with music and food following the Divine Liturgy with the Kneeling Vespers .
His Grace Bishop Theophan of Philomelion, on behalf of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas, wishes His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America many years on the occasion of His Eminence's 5 year anniversary of his Enthronement as the Archbishop of America. Per shumë vjet o Kryezot! Εἰς πολλὰ ἔτη Δέσποτα!
At the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, His Grace Bishop Theophan and seminarian Jovan Green visited St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center in New York for a Prayer Service in honor of the Juneteenth holiday.
Today, June 11, on the Feast of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew, we wish our Father and Chief Shepherd His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew many years. Per shumë vjet o Kryezot!
From June 2-8, at the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Calinic of Argeș, His Grace visited the Monastery of Curtea de Argeș, where he served at the Monastery's Cathedral. This is the Cathedral where His Grace was ordained as a priest and archimandrite in 1995, and served as the Monastery's Abbot.
In honor of Memorial Day, we visited the graves of departed parishioners and clergy of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas including +Bishop Mark (Lipa) of Lefka, At. Nikolla Christophor, At. Jovan (Vani) Chani, and At. Michael Terova. I perjetshem qofte kujtimi tyre!
On Saturday, May 18th, His Grace visited St. Thomas Romanian Orthodox Church in St. Louis, MO, where he presided over a baptism in the morning and Great Vespers at night. On Sunday, May 19th, His Grace served Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
On Thursday, May 16, His Grace celebrated the 5th Anniversary of the election of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.
KRISHTI U NGJALL! "Jemi vëllezër shqiptarë nga Kosova dhe Shqipëria, në mëngjes i falemi secili Zotit tonë në Kisha dhe xhamia, por në mbyllje të ditës festojmë të gjithë së bashku, sepse na mbledh shqiptaria" (nga fjala përshëndetëse e Peshkopit +THEOFAN i shqiptarëve, Nata e Pashkës 5 maj 2024 në festimin e Pashkës me komunitetin shqiptar tek "Çunat e Bostonit")
On Sunday, May 5, His Grace celebrated Holy and Great Pascha at Holy Trinity Albanian Orthodox Church in South Boston. Krishti u Ngjall! Vërtet u Ngjall!
Paschal Message of Fr. Ignatios:
His Grace served at St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago on Palm Sunday, April 28, 2024, and Holy Monday, April 29, 2024. His Grace presided over Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Palm Sunday morning, and the Bridegroom Service in the evening. His Grace also prayed from within the altar during the Presanctified Liturgy Monday morning. Additionally, during the Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, His Grace elevated Rev. Deacon Spyridon Green to the rank of Archdeacon. Axios!
On Sunday, April 21, His Grace served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Sts. Catherine and George Greek Orthodox Church in Astoria, New York.
On Saturday, April 13, and Saturday, April 20, His Grace served at the episcopal ordinations of Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia and Bishop Antonios of Synades, at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York.
On March 31, His Grace visited Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, where he served Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. In the evening, His Grace presided over Katanyktiko Vespers.
On March 24, His Grace visited the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York City, where he served with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America in honor of the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
On March 10, His Grace visited Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT, where he served Great Vespers on Saturday and Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Thank you to Fr. Yorgo and the entire Holy Trinity community!
On March 3, His Grace traveled to Chicago to officiate Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the installation service of Fr. Ignatios Kruja as the new Priest of St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church.
On February 25, with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, His Grace presided at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Concord, NH, with Fr. Constantine Newman. It was truly a blessing to serve and spend time with this wonderful community.
On Saturday, February 17, His Grace met with His Eminence Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand at Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, MA.
St. Nicholas Albanian Orthdox Church in Chicago welcomed today, 2/4/2024, their new parish priest V. Rev. Archimandrite Ignatios Kruja. We wish him a blessed and fruitful ministry to the Chicago faithful.
On February 1st, His Grace participated in the annual cutting of the Vasilopita at Hellenic College Holy Cross with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and His Grace Bishop Joachim of Amissos.
On January 19th, His Grace participated in the March for Life in Washington D.C.
His Grace Bishop Theophan and Deacon Spyridon will be serving Great Vespers at Holy Cross Chapel on January 29th for the feast of the Three Hierarchs. All are welcome!
His Grace will be traveling to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Tarpon Springs, FL, to celebrate the annual feast of Theophany on Saturday, January 6th with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
On Monday, December 11, His Grace officiated at Great Vespers for the feast of St. Spyridon at Holy Cross Chapel, Brookline MA.
On December 5 and 6, His Grace officiated at the Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy for the feast of St. Nicholas at St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Chicago.